Ex-McLaren Engineers Working up a Street-Legal F1 Car

From Jalopnik:
"Oh Margaret. A couple of former-McLaren F1 engineers are working up a street-legal rod based on the 2006 Formula One car specs. That means a 2.4-liter V8 pushing 480 bhp, carbon-fiber construction, full aerodynamic workup and a weight of only 1025 pounds (that’s a power-to-weight ratio of 1,000hp per ton). Founders Ben Scott-Geddes and Graham Halstead expect to launch the car, dubbed Freestream T1 later this year at the equivalent of around $262,000. They only plan to build 25 per year, so European viscounts and bank presidents’ spoilt offspring had better get on the horn stat."
From LuxuryLaunches
Caparo Freestream T1 - The Street Legal F1 Car
"The Freestream T1 supercar project created by two former McLaren engineers has been bought out by automotive consultancy Caparo. Founders Ben Scott-Geddes and Graham Halstead, who worked on the famous McLaren F1 supercar and the Mercedes-Benz SLR, will stay with the project and if all goes well the quarter-million-dollar racer Caparo T1 might hit the roads by December. This two-seater is powered by a 2006-regulations style 2.4-litre V8 engine.Weighing almost 465Kg (the light weight conferred by its carbon-fibre construction), it is said to result in a power-to-weight ratio of over 1,000bhp per tonne. Developed for road and track, the ultra lightweight, 480bhp two-seater will offer a near F1 performance by shooting from zero to 100 mph in 5.0 seconds and boasts a top speed of 200 mph.It is predicted to be capable of 3g acceleration in cornering and braking. A few interesting design features include rear-view mirrors built into the front fenders, LED taillights incorporated into the rear wing endplates, a data acquisition system display in the steering wheel and center-mounted coil-over shock absorbers in clear view of the driver. The team had planned to build just 25 cars per year but 20 of it have already been pre-sold, priced at around $250,000. Rumor has it that Stefan Eriksson is first on the waiting list."
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